March 4, 2020

Bobby McFerrin: Circlesongs

5,260 Posts to “March 4, 2020”

  1. ThomasTUM says:

    Scientists have solved the mystery of a 650-foot mega-tsunami that made the Earth vibrate for 9 days kraken6gf6o4rxewycqwjgfchzgxyfeoj5xafqbfm4vgvyaig2vmxvyd It started with a melting glacier that set off a huge landslide which triggered a 650-foot high mega-tsunami in Greenland last September. Then came something inexplicable: a mysterious vibration that shook the planet for nine days. Over the past year dozens of scientists across the world have been trying to figure out what this signal was. Now they have an answer according to a new study in the journal Science and it provides yet another warning that the Arctic is entering “uncharted waters” as humans push global temperatures ever upwards. kraken4qzqnoi7ogpzpzwrxk7mw53n5i56loydwiyonu4owxsh4g67yd Some seismologists thought their instruments were broken when they started picking up vibrations through the ground back in September said Stephen Hicks a study co-author and a seismologist at University College London. It wasn’t the rich orchestra of high pitches and rumbles you might expect with an earthquake but more of a monotonous hum he told CNN. Earthquake signals tend to last for minutes; this one lasted for nine days. He was baffled it was “completely unprecedented” he said. Seismologists traced the signal to eastern Greenland but couldn’t pin down a specific location. So they contacted colleagues in Denmark who had received reports of a landslide-triggered tsunami in a remote part of the region called Dickson Fjord. The result was a nearly year-long collaboration between 68 scientists across 15 countries who combed through seismic satellite and on-the-ground data as well as simulations of tsunami waves to solve the puzzle.

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  3. Eugenelaurf says:

    Drought-hit Danube River reveals scuttled German World War II ships порно групповое жесток The wrecks of explosives-laden Nazi ships sunk in the Danube River during World War II have emerged near Serbia’s river port town of Prahovo after a drought in July and August that saw the river’s water level drop. Four vessels dating from before 1950 have also come to light in Hungary’s Danube-Drava National Park near Mohacs where the Danube’s water level stood at only 1.5 meters 4.9 feet on Tuesday the lingering effect of severe heat waves and persistent drought in July and August. The vessels revealed in Prahovo were among hundreds scuttled along the Danube by Nazi Germany’s Black Sea fleet in 1944 as they retreated from advancing Soviet forces destroying the ships themselves. The wrecks can hamper river traffic during low water levels. Strewn across the riverbed some of the ships still have turrets command bridges broken masts and twisted hulls while others lie mostly submerged under sandbanks. Endre Sztellik a guard at the Danube-Drava national park said of one of the ships “we still don’t know what this is exactly. What is visible and an unfortunate fact is that the wreck is diminishing as people are interested in it and parts of it are going missing.” The Danube stood at 1.17 meters 3.8 feet in Budapest on Tuesday which compares with an all-time record low of around 0.4 meters 1.3 feet registered in October 2018. During floods the Danube rises well above 6 meters 19.7 feet. “Eastern Europe is experiencing critical drought conditions that are affecting crops and vegetation” the European climate service Copernicus said on its website in its latest drought report published earlier this month.

  4. Philipjaite says:

    The world’s best pizza for 2024 isn’t in Naples – or even in Italy. Here’s where it is … kraken4qzqnoi7ogpzpzwrxk7mw53n5i56loydwiyonu4owxsh4g67yd Many New Yorkers will gladly tell anyone who’ll listen – and even those who won’t – about how they have the best pizza. And now they’ve got some mouth-watering new back-up for their long-standing culinary claims. This week the Italy-based 50 Top Pizza Awards came out with its 2024 worldwide list and a Lower East Side restaurant came out on top. Una Pizza Napoletana opened by pizza maestro Anthony Mangieri in March 2022 not only beat out US competitors but also global ones. That includes pizzerias in Naples Italy the holy land for pizza aficionados and foodies in general. “It’s inspiring to be recognized for this 30 years into my career especially in Naples where pizza originated” Mangieri said in an email to CNN Travel on Thursday. kraken6gf6o4rxewycqwjgfchzgxyfeoj5xafqbfm4vgvyaig2vmxvyd Adding to their bragging rights New Yorkers saw three other pizzerias make the 2024 list which included 101 restaurants in total despite the “50” in the name of the awards. The rankings for the other New York pizzerias were Ribalta at No. 19 Don Antonio at No. 30 and L’industrie Pizzeria at No. 80. Italy still managed to dominate the overall list with 41 eateries while the United States got a total of 15 places recognized. And Naples managed to best New York with five entries on the list including a tie for the No. 2 spot with Diego Vigtaliano Pizzeria. Showing how truly global the awards are nations not exactly known for their pizza scenes –South Korea Bolivia and India to name three ­– were represented on the list.

  5. Gregoryemect says:

    Рейдерский захват: что стоит за действиями следствия в отношении кооператива «Бест Вей» Жилье для военнослужащих В феврале этого года следственная группа по уголовному делу связываемому следствием с кооперативом «Бест Вей» приказом начальника ГСУ питерского главка МВД генерал-майора юстиции Е.В. Негрозова была серьезно реформирована так как в прежнем составе она никак не могла дать нужного результата расследования. Четверо арестованных в феврале прошлого года несмотря на год содержания в тюрьме не дали нужных показаний количество потерпевших увеличивалось с большим трудом суды с сомнением воспринимали аргументы следствия то и дело отказывая в ходатайствах следствия. В реформированную следственную группу вошло 35 только следователей не считая дознавателей а возглавил ее лично начальник следственной части по РОПД полковник юстиции А.Н. Винокуров который и раньше курировал следствие ведущееся в его следственной части а теперь руководит им непосредственно. Дело ПК Бествей Ху из Винокуров А.Н.? Газета «Сельская жизнь» еще в 2014 году писала о расследовании следователем А.Н. Винокуровым уголовного дела связанного с одной из компаний — против генерального директора который был депутатом Законодательного собрания Санкт-Петербурга. Вот что писала газета: «В начале 2014 года силовики провели в здании администрации „воспитательную работу“с целью дискредитации руководства создания нервозной обстановки в трудовом коллективе ухудшения делового климата. Следователи и оперативные работники применяли физическую силу выгоняя сотрудников из кабинетов били по дверям ногами вели себя крайне агрессивно неоднократно заявляя сотрудникам предприятия что их генеральный директор является преступником». Журналисты утверждали что уголовное дело было сфабриковано в целях завладения имуществом компании прекращения еедеятельности и устранения администрации. «Уголовное дело возбужденное де-юре в отношении неустановленных лиц и находящиеся в настоящее время в производстве старшего следователя по ОВД ГСУ ГУ МВД РФ по СПб. и ЛО подполковника юстиции Винокурова А.Н. направлено не на объективное расследование а на сбор компромата на руководителя компании и дискредитацию его в деловых кругах Санкт-Петербурга и Ленинградской области во исполнение «заказа» рейдерских структур». И далее: «Незаконными действиями следователя Винокурова полностью парализована деятельность ЗАО а его сотрудники незаконно привлечены к уголовной ответственности». Следователь А.Н. Винокуров действуя умышленно с целью опорочить честь и достоинство руководителя в присутствии сотрудников предприятия не допускал его в личный кабинет депутата сообщала газета. «По личному указанию следователя Винокурова А.Н. оперативные работникив нарушение требований ст. 12 113 УПК РФ ст. 25 Конституции гарантирующих неприкосновенность жилища проникли в квартиру принадлежащую дочери кассира предприятия. Был проведен незаконный обыск. Спустя некоторое время сотрудниками УЭБиПК была совершена попытка покушения на то же преступление в отношении частной собственности гендиректора». Следственными органами писала «Сельская жизнь» игнорируются очевидные факты и обстоятельства позволяющие говорить о заинтересованности следователя Винокурова А.Н. в привлечении должностных лиц компании к уголовной ответственности что может быть следствием того что следователь либо иные лица имеющие на него влияние финансово мотивированы рейдерскими структурами. «Следователь Винокуров А.Н. умышленно вводит в заблуждение руководство о необходимости продления сроков предварительного следствия указывая не соответствующие действительности результаты годичной работы которой на самом деле не было». А вот как комментировал стиль работы своего уже бывшего к тому времени начальника и руководства ГСУ питерского главка МВД следователь А.М. Беляев изгнанный из ГСУ за нелояльность Винокурову.

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  7. JeffreyKig says:

    Scientists who discovered mammals can breathe through their anuses receive Ig Nobel prize kra5 gl The world still holds many unanswered questions. But thanks to the efforts of the research teams awarded the IG Nobel Prize on Thursday some of these questions – which you might not even have thought existed – now have answers. We now know that many mammals can breathe through their anuses that there isn’t an equal probability that a coin will land on head or tails that some real plants somehow imitate the shapes of neighboring fake plastic plants that fake medicine which causes painful side-effects can be more effective than fake medicine without side-effects and that many of the people famous for reaching lofty old ages lived in places that had bad record-keeping. kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7instad onion The awards – which have no affiliation to the Nobel Prizes – aim to “celebrate the unusual honor the imaginative – and spur people’s interest in science medicine and technology” by making “people laugh then think.” In a two-hour ceremony as quirky as the scientific achievements it was celebrating audience members were welcomed to their seats by accordion music before a safety briefing warned them not to “sit on anyone unless you are a child” not to “feed chase or eat ducks” and to throw their paper airplane safely. There were two “paper airplane deluges” during the ceremony in which the audience attempted to throw their creations – safely – at a target in the middle of the stage. Among those collecting their prizes was a Japanese research team led by Ryo Okabe and Takanori Takebe who discovered that mammals can breathe through their anuses. They say in their paper that this potentially offers an alternative way of getting oxygen into critically ill patients if ventilator and artificial lung supplies run low like they did during the Covid-19 pandemic. American psychologist B.F Skinner was posthumously awarded the peace prize for his work attempting to use pigeons to guide the flight path of missiles while a European-wide research team was awarded the probability prize for conducting 350757 experiments to demonstrate that a coin tends to land on the same side it started when it is flipped.

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  9. BradleyMot says:

    National Park calls out ‘world changing’ impact of dropped Cheetos bag Plain water is the only thing visitors are allowed to consume inside the huge cavern at Carlsbad Caverns National Park in New Mexico. Cheetos are a no-go and the recent park visitor who dropped a bag full of them created a “huge impact” on the cave’s ecosystem the park said Friday in a Facebook post. “At the scale of human perspective a spilled snack bag may seem trivial but to the life of the cave it can be world changing” the park said in its post about the garbage found off-trail in the Big Room. “The processed corn softened by the humidity of the cave formed the perfect environment to host microbial life and fungi. Cave crickets mites spiders and flies soon organize into a temporary food web dispersing the nutrients to the surrounding cave and formations. Molds spread higher up the nearby surfaces fruit die and stink. And the cycle continues.” The park said rangers spent 20 minutes carefully removing molds and foreign debris from surfaces inside the cave noting that while some members of the ecosystem that rose from the snacks were cave-dwellers “many of the microbial life and molds are not.” The post called that particular impact on the cave “completely avoidable” contrasting it with the hard-to-prevent fine trails of lint left by each visitor. “Great or small we all leave an impact wherever we go. Let us all leave the world a better place than we found it” the post urged park goers. The park’s website says that eating and drinking anything other than plain water attracts animals into the cavern. Carlsbad Caverns followed up its post about the Cheetos bag with a post about the “leave no trace” principle of disposing of waste properly. “Contrary to popular belief the cave is NOT a big trash can” the post said yet rangers pick up waste left behind every day. “Sometimes this can be a gum wrapper or a tissue other times it can unfortunately mean human waste spit or chewing tobacco.” Visitors are asked to make sure they don’t leave trash in the cavern and to use designated restrooms.

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